Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Procrastination Is Avoidance


Eliminating procrastination - "we shall never have more time. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until tomorrow. We have, all the time, and always had there is.

Keep going. - i' ll admit it, sometimes i don' t feel like working or writing or answering my e - mails or my phone. Concentrate on something useful. " - - Arnold Bennett. And in occasion, I' ll fess up here, I don' t love going to the gym. And sometimes I even procrastinate on one thing by doing another thing which I was previously procrastinating on. And when I get into these mindsets, I have an uncanny ability to scare up a few dozen other things I could be doing instead, things as varied and fascinating as organizing my receipts or walking the dog or catching up on some reading. For example, sometimes I don' t want to write so much that I' ll choose the gym as an alternative.

I love what I do and I have overcome my minor bouts with procrastination by working with my other - than - conscious mind and working with my intention to set my daily, monthly and yearly, weekly courses, setting watermarks along the way to make sure I am succeeding in my goals. - for the most part, though, i' m lucky. Procrastination is avoidance. In the business world, time is of the essence, so time management and getting things done is king. But sometimes there is value in procrastination, sometimes avoiding one thing can push you into another. Having a way to manage any serious procrastination problem is vital. When you break an old habit, however, it' s important to have a new one in its place, a system for dealing with the ruts that we' ve gotten into over time. (Many times you' ll see a smoker nibbling on carrot sticks as a temporary alternative to get them over the hump where their hand/ mouth habit is concerned. ) It is your intention or lack of intention that makes or breaks you in terms of procrastination.

Procrastination is a habit and habits can be broken and rerouted. - when you switch your intention and have solid resolve it is akin to setting your other than conscious mind on a quest. Try this: have a conversation with your other than conscious. For this to work to your advantage, you have to properly train your other than conscious. Ask it for its help in turning a new leaf on getting things done. So if you say, 'I' m going to take out the garbage' , take out the garbage. Set small goals at first, goals that you are certain you can keep, because you are training your other - than - conscious to work on your behalf.

That' s totally doable. - visualize yourself keeping your appointments with yourself, following up on your intentions, and getting things done. And if you say, 'Okay, tomorrow I' m going to make two phone calls which I will follow up on with letters' , make those two phone calls and write those two letters. By creating this synergy with your intention, other - than - conscious, imagination and your deep desire to accomplish what you need to accomplish, you have the ability to push past any procrastination problems you might encounter.

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